Tuesday, November 10, 2009

*~*An Idea*~*

I wanted to create a way for all the ladies in the ward to share their most loved and delicious recipes! There has been so many times when I've heard or said, "Will you share the recipe to that?" There are so many talented chefs in this ward and I personally would love to for those to share. I wouldn't call myself a very daring chef.. I like to stick to what I know is good but, after tasting something new at a party or event I would love to try for myself. So for those interested just e-mail me at Michelle3721@hotmail.com your favorite recipes and I will post them here to share with everyone!!! Share your comments... on the side in the chat box request for recipes you tasted or just add comments! If you also are interested in receiving an e-mail every time a new post is added just e-mail and let me know and I will add you to the list! I am really excited about this and hope everyone catches on and uses it!! Share with everyone... doesn't just have to be a ward thing!!! Thank you ladies!! Happy cooking!

1 comment:

beverly said...

What a wonderful idea Michelle Wish I'd of thought of this.Keep posting.